With no clear end in sight for fighting COVID-19, healthcare providers need to protect the health and safety of one of their most valuable resources: their staff.

To support quarantine management, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and home health agencies are quickly activating remote patient monitoring tools to safely extend their reach into the home. As part of this new equation, all staff, with a priority on field workers and others interacting with patients, need to have consistent screenings for COVID-19 symptoms.

It’s no surprise that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is urging home health agencies to routinely monitor the health status of staff, patients and everyone in the home setting for signs or symptoms of COVID-19.

Visit Patients With Confidence

In this health crisis, staff availability is critical. Broad-reaching text message-based, surveys, like Dina’s new Staff Screening and Check-In tool, lay the groundwork for targeted COVID-19 responses. Daily screenings quickly confirm the health status and availability of staff. Using this data, providers then can focus on the outliers, those who need attention most. With consistent monitoring:

  • Patients and family caregivers feel confident that staff members are healthy and can be allowed into facilities or their homes.
  • Staff can confidently care for patients without worrying about creating an exposure event.
  • Providers can quickly identify staff that need additional attention, isolation or potential quarantine.
  • When necessary, providers can limit staff interactions with patients to reduce exposure events.

Easy Implementation and Adoption

Dina’s Staff Screening and Check-In tool is quick and easy to activate and doesn’t require any additional applications. With no end-user training you can:
  • Send bulk SMS surveys that include customizable text and timing.
  • Escalate outliers in real-time to the appropriate party.
  • View dashboard reports to see trends including spiking zip codes.
For more information, contact Dina at: covid-19@dinacare.com.






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