Dina CEO Ashish V. Shah and Jefferson Health’s Senior Vice President and Chief Population Health Officer Dr. Katherine Behan will present the session “The Rise of Home-Based Care: Engaging More Patients at Scale,” at the HIMSS Global Conference on Thursday, August 12. 

Remote Engagement: Covid and Beyond

Jefferson Health launched remote patient engagement technology at the height of the pandemic to extend care to people who were COVID-positive and recovering in their homes. The success of the initiative led Jefferson to expand the use of technology to remotely monitor more patients in their homes, including people with complex conditions such as congestive heart failure (CHF) and diabetes.  During the presentation, Shah and Behan will share insights on how to:

  • Identify how digital technology can extend your reach in the home and improve provider and patient/caregiver engagement.
  • Recognize how hospitals-at-home programs can help position your system for value-based payment changes
  • Evaluate whether your organization should implement a hospital-at-home model, and how to meet hospital conditions for participation.

Don’t miss the presentation, “The Rise of Home-Based Care: Engaging More Patients at Scale,” which will be held on Thursday, August 12, from 10:15-11:15 a.m. at The Venetian in Lando Room 4301.  Interested in more care-at-home news? Sign up for our newsletter to receive regular industry updates and trends reports.

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