As the coronavirus has completely upended “business as usual,” Chicago-based companies are coming up with ways to innovate and offer customer-oriented solutions. After all, this is a time, if any, to bring something new to the table, and we’re seeing it happen in real-time across multiple industries, from technology and health and wellness to food and beverage, supply chain, and beyond. I recently reached out to my network to see what they’re doing to adapt — or better yet make a difference — during these uncertain times.

Here’s what I learned.

DINA: An AI-powered care coordination platform, DINA has leveraged its platform with health system and home-care provider partners to address the COVID crisis in handling critical processes like quarantine management, remote monitoring, patient self-assessment, and staff management. Tools feature rapid staff on-boarding, little to no training for patients and family members, and need no additional applications.

Read the full article by Pete Wilkins in Forbes.

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