News and insights to help health plans streamline the delivery of in-home care, long-term services and supports, and supplemental benefits.
Families Stay Connected with Parents’ Care
Lillian Funk, co-owner of Assisting Hands, an in-home care provider in Ashburn, Virginia, believes in the power of family connections. “When the family is engaged, we can deliver better care and provide a better patient experience,” she says. There are more than 43...
“Advocate First” Case Manager Expands Services at Home Health Agency
Geriatric case manager Nancy Downey has been a nurse for 46 years and has worked with the elderly for most of her career. At Generation Solutions, a home health agency in Lynchburg, Virginia, she started a care management program to help seniors with everything from...
Case Manager Delivers Care Despite Limited Resources
A case manager’s job is difficult. But working in a rural community with limited resources brings a new set of challenges. “We’re an hour away from an ICU, there’s not a lot of rehab facilities and we don’t have a transportation system,” says Brannon Evans, case...
VNAHG + PreparedHealth: Boost Referrals, Improve Responsiveness
Visiting Nurse Association Health Group (VNAHG) logs 60 to 100 patient referrals a day, mostly from well-established hospital partners who want to pair newly discharged patients with home-based health services. With a network of 1,500 clinicians in New Jersey and...
New Jersey Case Manager Fights “Tooth and Nail” for Patients
Marie Ruiz, case manager and lead assessment coordinator at Jefferson Health Care Center, is a fierce advocate for her patients. But she doesn’t always win. In June, an elderly patient spent approximately two weeks at the Sewell, New Jersey skilled nursing facility...
PreparedHealth wins inaugural MATTER | Accenture innovation pitch competition
This month, PreparedHealth won both the Judges' and Peoples' Choice awards at the inaugural MATTER Accenture Digital Health & Life Sciences Pitch Competition. PreparedHealth was among one of 5 finalists selected to present at the competition showcasing innovative...
Dina Announces Integration with PointClickCare
Technology partnership to streamline communication from hospital to home Dina, a healthcare technology firm empowering simplified communication from hospital to home, announced today a strategic partnership with PointClickCare, the leading cloud-based software vendor...
Improving care for chronically ill, older patients
Nurse-led approach helps cut costs, spur recovery Caring for older patients living with complex health and social needs is one of the biggest challenges for the healthcare system. It’s a challenge that will continue to intensify as the baby boom generation ages. Mary...
The Unsung Heroes – Case Management Week 2018
Case managers are often the unsung heroes in a patient’s recovery. In conjunction with National Case Management Week, we asked for nominations for influential case managers who deserve some extra recognition. We were looking for professionals who are passionate about...
#IHeartHIT – US National Health IT Week
At PreparedHealth, the #IHeartHIT campaign hits home for us. We’ve made it our mission to make it possible to age and deliver care in the home and to do so, we’ve built a team of talented, smart people who are passionate about creating technology that changes lives....
Prepared Health selected as one of the best new ideas in healthcare today
PreparedHealth is thrilled to be listed as one of four finalists in Vizient's sixth annual Innovation Challenge, an event designed to highlight the best new ideas in healthcare today. The Innovation Challenge will be held on Oct. 3 at 3:45 p.m. as part of the opening...
Bowes In Home Care joins Prepared Health Network in Chicago Market
Prepared Health continues to expand network across Chicago to streamline care from hospital to home PreparedHealth today announced that Bowes In Home Care has joined the network in the Chicago area. Bowes In Home Care is an experienced home healthcare provider with...
It’s time to ditch the fax machine
From an evolution standpoint, the methods for information transfer and communication have come a long way from the days of the telegraph. Up until the 1990s, the fax machine was the most widely used communication device in almost all industries. The 21st century...
Home Health Care News: PreparedHealth Platform Grows as Providers Seek to Reduce Readmissions
Collaborating across the continuum of care is becoming increasingly important, a point crystallized by one health care technology company’s rapid growth—and success in bringing together some of the nation’s largest home health and private duty providers, as well as...
Crain’s Chicago Business: Looking to cut hospital readmission rates? Ditch the faxes and Post-it notes
As patient communication increases, Crystal Lake-based Centegra Health System finds readmission rates decrease. A primary focus in health care, from hospitals, the government and private insurers, is to improve treatment and efficiency. One key measurement:...
Crystal Home Health Care joins the Prepared Health Network in Chicago Market
Prepared Health continues to expand networks across Chicago to enhance care in the home PreparedHealth today announced that Crystal Home Health Care has joined the Dina Network. Crystal Home Health Care is a Medicare Certified, Joint Commission Accredited company...
Challenges in the Skilled Nursing Space
It isn’t a secret that the post-acute care industry is changing. Over the last decade, there have been two significant structural changes in the market: Medicare’s movement away from a fee-for-service pricing model to a value-based care model, and the growth of...
National Skilled Nursing Facility cuts rehospitalizations in half with better transitions to home
Progressive nursing facilities are evolving to operate more similarly to hospitals due to growing engagement in bundled payment arrangements and a devotion to improved patient outcomes. This shift in outcome ownership and shared financial responsibility has led to a...